Technical Services

Capability Summary

TECO has resident knowledge of all types of glass furnace and process line operation, from raw material selection to packaging. Some technical service examples include routine audits, overcoat assistance, glass level bowl removal, checker changes, standby crown installations, lip & spout change planning and assistance, furnace operation changes for defect solution, bubbler system supply, waist arch hot change, O2 furnace changes for defect reduction, tin bath cooling optimization, forehearth colorant addition, float line colorant addition, thick glass ribbon annealing and cutting, thin glass production, batch house improvements for low iron production, furnace bottom cooling systems, etc.

Jim At Hv Batch Charger Glass Furnace Build | Toledo Engineering Co., Inc.
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Here is a list of services that TECO is capable of providing:

  • Batch house audits. TECO personnel can assess current operations and recommend optimization opportunities as they present themselves. Capacity studies for increased output. Micro-scales for addition of colorants. Raw material selection and suitability;
  • Furnace audits. TECO personnel can provide a detailed ‘fresh eyes’ inspection of the client’s furnace, and entire process line (for float) if desired;
  • Furnace operations. TECO can troubleshoot furnace and defect problems. Provide operational guidelines and specific recommendations for color changes. Provide operational guidelines and specific recommendations for low iron production;
  • Furnace maintenance. TECO can assess and advise the client for overcoating, hot repairs, checker changes, furnace wall (tankwalls or breastwalls) repairs, etc. Upgrades or enhancements to mechanical systems, etc. to address problems, work-arounds for planned outages, etc;
  • Tin bath audits. TECO can inspect tin baths for problem areas and provide repair procedures;
  • Tin bath operations. TECO can troubleshoot tin bath and defect problems. Provide operational guidelines and specific recommendations for thick or thin glass production. Provide operational guidelines and specific recommendations for color or low iron production;
  • Tin bath repair consultation, such as heating element change out, exit lip tin leaks, lift out roll replacement, etc;
  • Throat repair consultation;
  • Forehearth operations. TECO can audit, assess for improvement, or troubleshoot forehearth operations and conditions;
  • Annealing audits. TECO can provide review of client’s operation and make recommendation for improvement in the product residual stress levels, bow/dish, etc;
  • Expert opinions. TECO can supply independent yet authoritative assessment of glass plant problems or issues. This from site assessment and civil work of a greenfield plant through temporary mothballing of an existing facility, process problems, component condition, etc;
  • Modeling. TECO is expert in multiple glass CFD platforms, and has saved clients millions of dollars through design and operation optimization studies. Literally 1000’s of models;
  • Electric boost addition and optimization for quality, output and emissions;
  • Oxyfuel firing addition and optimization for quality, output and emissions.

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